Providing you with the finest range of Specialised Financial Services

We provide the Benchmark for Accounting and Bookkeeping Services

About us

Genacc Accounting & Bookkeeping Services, is strategically positioned to provide our clients with the finest range of specialised financial services

Our services include a high level financial management service which enables smaller/medium sized companies or individuals who have in the past not been able to afford or justify a full time financial manager, with a financial manager for a fixed number of days a month or at an hourly fee, on a basis of only paying for the hours of service required by you or your company. This service offers flexibility and is also ideal for special requirements.


Registered Institutes

Genacc Accounting & Bookkeeping Services - Registered Institute - SAIPA
Genacc Accounting & Bookkeeping Services - Registered Institute - SARS
Genacc Accounting & Bookkeeping Services - Registered Institute - CIPC

Our facilities are accredited and certified by the South Africa Institute of Professional Accountants SAIPA – Number ATC2130 (PC GENRICKS Pty Ltd).